Digital Marketing

Best Digital Marketing Services Agency

Digital Marketing

Now a day’s social media and site optimization (SEO) is very necessary for every business. Search engine optimization, it will have good effect on your business and reaches maximum number of people if you do it in a right way. We go with the organic procedure which helps to improve the visibility of the page. Or using paid service like SEM, PPC/ AdWords to maintain the page visibility in which result will be seen immediately but for less time only. It applies for both SEO and SMO.

Search Engine Marketing

  • Keywords Research
  • Pay per click campaigns (ad words)
  • Competitor bidding report.
  • Running Campaign statistics updates
  • Landing Page Optimization
  • Ad design and creative graphical representation
  • Basic Campaign creation
  • Implementation of Re-marketing & Conversion tracking code on the site.
  • Increase keyword quality score and key proximity
  • Improve the keywords performance using search term report (filtering keywords)
  • Daily campaign optimization to maintain leads and cost per lead.
  • GSP Campaign Creation
  • E-commerce Merchant Centre Account creation
  • Uploading of shopping feed in the Merchant Centre account
  • Shopping Campaign
  • Dynamic Re-marketing campaign

Search Engine Optimization

On page

  • Crawlable website & architecture
  • Site Speed
  • Meta keywords, Description & Meta tag optimization
  • Canonical tags
  • Sitemap XML monitoring
  • Keyword optimization
  • Readability and UX
  • User friendly URL’s
  • Linking site with Google Search Console
  • Robots.txt file

Off page

  • Directory, Link and Article Submission
  • Forum posting
  • Back-linking
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Blog commenting
  • PDF sharing
  • Infographic sharing
  • Guest & Review Posting and more…

Social Media Marketing

  • Branding Using online Social platforms
  • Facebook Page maintenance and Optimization
  • Posting content related to business on all social media platforms
  • Social media Campaign and post boosting
  • Influence Out Reach
  • Video designing and sharing on video sharing platforms like YouTube channel, Instagram, Facebook.
  • Weekdays Posting on twitter, Tumbler, scoop it, Reddit, LinkedIn, Pinterest, google my business.
  • Blogging on WordPress & Blog-spot & Blogger
  • Photo & Video Posting
  • Other SMM Techniques

Facebook & Instagram Marketing

  • Facebook AdWords and post boosting (This campaign works for Instagram if it is linked to the Facebook)
  • FB Page maintenance
  • Facebook Followers monitoring
  • Facebook daily posts reach and performance
  • Facebook Traffic diversion to website
  • Facebook Shares to increase organic reach (multiple groups and pages)
  • Ad campaign monitoring and updation of leads